- Science Fair participants who let us know they intend to enter the fair (by completing the Entry Form linked below) by Monday, March 24, 2025 will receive a Science Fair t-shirt in their requested size on the day of the Fair. Registrations will continue to be accepted after this date, but t-shirts may not be available.
- Grades 6–12 ONLY, by Saturday, March 29, 2025: complete the Science Fair Entry Form and submit your project digitally in PDF format for judging before the Fair. Late entries brought to the Fair without a PDF entry will be allowed for exhibition only, not considered for awards.
- Grades K–5 ONLY, by Saturday April 5, 2025: complete the Science Fair Entry Form. K–5 students do not need to submit a project digitally for judging before the Fair because K–5 projects will be judged the morning of the Fair.
- ALL Grades, K–12, on Sunday, April 6, 2025: bring project displays to the Science Fair between 9:00 and 10:00 am for project viewing and awards.
Details about these important dates:
PDF project entries for Middle School and High School: Students in grades 6–12 must submit their projects digitally as a PDF by 8 days before the Science Fair (not later than Saturday, March 29, 2025). After you submit your entry form, you will receive an email with instructions on how to upload or share your PDF.
Submitting your project digitally allows our judges the time to carefully evaluate projects in Divisions 6–8 and 9–12 before the day of the fair. The digital project entry should be complete, but it doesn’t have to be beautiful! Then you’ll still have a week to finish creating a physical project display on a display board—which can be as simple as a printout of the pages you submitted digitally, or as colorful and eye-catching as you want to make it.
Project Displays: All Science Fair participants, grades K–12, must bring a project display (or arrange to have someone bring it for you) to the Science Fair on Sunday, April 6, 2025. The Fair will be held at Luther Elementary School, 205 Park St, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. Note that this location is a change from last year! Please drop off your project between 9:00 am and 10:00 am on April 6. If this timeframe does not work for you, please email us at FortAtkinsonScienceFair@gmail.com and we will arrange to receive your project display earlier.