T-shirt Design Contest

T-Shirt design contest for the 2025 Science Fair:

One design will be selected and printed on each year’s science fair t-shirts. This contest is open to any student living in and/or attending school in the school districts of Johnson Creek, Lake Mills, Jefferson, Cambridge, Milton, Fort Atkinson, Palmyra-Eagle, or Whitewater, Wisconsin. Students may submit more than one design, but each has to be on a separate sheet of paper. We reserve the right to slightly alter the chosen design if necessary. Designs will not be returned unless requested: please include a note with your submission if you would like your design returned.

Use this checklist as you draw or digitally create an original design with any science theme.

  • Use bold lines (not thin lines) in black ink on white paper. 
  • Design must be oriented vertically (“portrait,” not “landscape”). 
  • Design must fit within 1″ margins on standard-sized 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper. 
  • Include “Fort Atkinson Science Fair” and “2025” in the design. 
  • Include your initials (not full name) somewhere in the design. 
  • Include a sticky note or separate page with your Name, Age, Address, Phone Number, School, and School District. Do NOT write on the back of your artwork.
  • Mail to FASF, PO Box 371, Fort Atkinson WI 53538 by Saturday, March 8, 2025.  OR you may email a clear photo or scan of your original artwork to FortAtkinsonScienceFair@gmail.com and if your design is selected, we will contact you to arrange to receive the original artwork.

Previous Designs: 2023 t-shirt designed by Chloe Barganz; 2022 by Kiera Gille; 2021 by Maddie Nichols; 2020 by Natasha Carothers.